Updates: WordPress • Themes • Plugins

Posted By Rotary

Bowen Rotary Logo

We installed a 500px wide image of the Bowen Rotary logo in the centre panel of the footer. And then we moved the Meta widget to the left panel of the footer.

Attempt at creating a child theme failed

Today we updated WordPress to v4.2.1. Also the plugins and the Rotary theme from BBRC required updating. We did this while we were using the main Rotary theme, and not the child theme. Several problems appeared. The Child Theme vanished and the theme page reports:

The parent theme is missing. Please install the “rotarytheme-rotary-cb23c9a”

I suspect that the updated Rotary theme’s real name is no longer “rotarytheme-rotary-cb23c9a”

Features: Masthead Bowen Rotary | Meeting Location | Meta in footer | Speaker Archive

Several features were now missing. The name of the club in the masthead, along with the location of our meetings (also in the masthead) were gone. The logo and the meta in the footer were gone. It was fairly easy to replace those items… but the problem is knowing why they vanished.

We tried to implement the feature for the Speaker Archive, and we’ve had some success. There seems to be the speaker archive (everyone on our list), and future speakers (which seems to be managed by the date of the talk.

Since we have talked to Mark Landmann of DACdb, the next step seems to be to have him activate our account and send us an invoice. Denis will contact him.


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