Implementing first categories at this site
Posted By Rotary
Until now, all posts in this blog have been listed as Uncategorized. So far, all but one post has been about the development of this site. There was a single newsworthy post about the Shelterbox Demonstration at The Snug Cafe.
Today, I’ve created two new categories:
- Bowen Rotary News
- Site Development.
I then edited all all of the existing posts to be in either Site Development (there are 12 in that category) or in Bowen Rotary News.
For the blog’s sidebar, I added a category widget. The user can select a category from the dropdown menu that filters the blog’s list to show only the articles in that category.
This was done today because now, with just over a dozen posts, the job of reviewing and amending all of the existing articles was not too odious. We should be thoughtful about adding categories. Categories become a valuable part of the structure of the site, and should facilitate the experience of the browser (and not be confusing).