Update Rotary Theme

Posted By Rotary

This was another busy day working on this site. I’ll report about that in another entry. The dashboard announced that the Rotary theme required updating. That was done about half an hour ago.

The consequence of that was that all of changes made at Appearance > Customize were lost. Redoing those items takes about 20 minutes or less. It is curious that they do not survive a theme-upgrade.

Here are the changes to Customize:

Under Rotary

  • re-enter the name of the club
  • checkbox for “Rotary Club of Bowen Island”
  • re-enter our meeting location – note, this can include html, such as this for the map location Collins Hall
    1120 Miller Rd
    Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G1
    Location on the map

The section under Become a Member in the header is now blank (I forget how that works)

Social Media

  • re-enter our Twitter URL
  • re-enter our Facebook URL


  • This post is being modified on Tuesday, May 12, 2015. The code for the location is in a bullet beneath Under Rotary. We learned that HTML could be used there.
  • With the upgrade today (May 12) of the Theme from 3.313 to 3.315 and the Rotary Membership Plugin to v 2.173 all of the menus were changed. It turns out that I had to go back to Appearance > menus and select the menu called menu and all was restored.
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