Thursday May 27, 2021

Liam Edwards

CAO Bowen Island Municipality

Bowen Island Administration

Liam Edwards

Liam Edwards

On Thursday evening, May 27, the Rotary Club of Bowen Island will welcome the Chief Administrative Officer of Bowen Island, Liam Edwards, as our speaker. Mr. Edwards has considerable experience in British Columbia’s municipal and provincial affairs. While he is prepared to talk to us, this is really a meeting of neighbours discussing the future of our favourite island.

We understand that Liam is very open to hearing your questions, opinions and comments. So, bring your friends and neigbours, and prepare your thoughts. All Bowen Islanders are welcome to attend and participate.

This will be an online Zoom meeting. The virtual doors will open about 7:15 PM and the actual meeting will begin at 7:30 PM.

To participate, use this URL:

Or use your Zoom app and enter this meeting ID: 858 9082 3442

Please use the following security protocol:

  • Each participant will arrive in a waiting room and will be admitted by President Hilary Butler. No password is required. 
  • Please use your full real name.
  • If President Hilary does not know you personally, please call her in advance and introduce yourself at (604) 947-2315 so you can be admitted to the meeting.

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