Thursday Apr 29, 2021

Peter and Lindiwe Kirstein

Directors Beautiful Gate Orphanage

PEKA Project / Beautiful Gate — Lesotho

Peter and Lindiwe Kirstein are the directors of the Beautiful Gate Orphanage in Lesotho. They will will be getting up at the crack of dawn to be present at our Zoom meeting and give us further information their new project: PEKA. This month Bowen Rotary was selling BBQ supplies in our fundraising shop to support this project. We plan to do more in the future.

Lesotho is a very poor country completely surrounded by South Africa. Because of devastating HIV, there are many orphans in the country. A member of Bowen Rotary, Matthew Harrison, is our club’s champion for the PEKA project. He has visited the Beautiful Gate Orphanage and discovered that it is well-run and provides a secure and caring facility for very young children. Now, in order to develop a facility for children older than six years, Beautiful Gate has acquired land and is raising money for this new project called PEKA. At this site they will be able to provide a developmental program for children with special needs. Peka will provide the means to give the un-adopted children of Lesotho a chance at a successful, healthy, and happy life — and a way for them to help re-invest and build their country.

This will be an online Zoom meeting. To join, use this URL:

Or use your Zoom app and enter this meeting ID: 846 8172 9553

Please use the following security protocol:

  • Each participant will arrive in a waiting room and will be admitted by President Hilary Butler. No password is required. 
  • Please use your full real name.
  • If President Hilary does not know you personally, please call her in advance and introduce yourself at (604) 947-2315 so you can be admitted to the meeting.

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